The Common Ingredient NRV
Just One Can
The Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry is currently seeing an unprecedented number of customers. The average number of families visiting the Food Pantry has increased 98% since 2022. We serve approximately 375 families a month representing over 1100 individuals. To fill our shelves, we are holding a canned food drive March 16th – March 30th. We are asking the public to drop off cans of food at collections points throughout the town or in the bins at the Food Pantry located at 706 Harding Avenue. Our goal is 30,000 cans.
Serving residents of the greater Blacksburg area and McCoy, the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry is a joint ministry of over twenty-five faith-based communities. We are also supported by individuals, organizations, and clubs in the surrounding community. The Pantry is an all-volunteer organization and depends solely on contributions from the community to serve our customers. With your help, we can reach our goal.
Sharing Recipes
Looking for your next five-star dinner recipe? Have a favorite recipe you’d like to share? You are in the right place with The Common Ingredient is….LOVE.
What is The Common Ingredient (TCI)? When you share recipes and advocate for food security the common ingredient is LOVE. And that’s what TCI is all about. Love for the centrality of food in our lives drives our search for recipes to share. Love for our neighbors who are hungry drives our advocacy for food security.
Browse our free recipes shared by neighbors, family, and friends as well as renowned chefs. We’ve got it all from soup to nuts.
How about that treasured recipe your family has passed down generation to generation or the one you tried last week from your favorite magazine? Could you take the time to submit it to our database? (Submit your recipe here.)
So Others May Eat
By submitting your recipes, you help us grow our database and our website traffic. TCI’s website reminds us that our time, talent, and treasure will help us realize our vision of a world where all are fed. Whether we support the NRV food pantries that we showcase or organizations of our own choosing, we ensure that we all have food to eat.
The Common Ingredient is LOVE!